Your job advisor sounds very wise. I'm trying to read a book at the moment, and honestly, I think I'm missing subtleties all over the place. I just don't get it.
Also, I find with fiction writing, they say 'show don't tell'. But I actually think some of the showing fails to register what's happening with me. I need someone to tell me what's going on!
Someone wrote a Medium article giving examples of 'show don't tell', saying that if someone had hair growing on their knees, you'd know they were a werewolf. Really? No. I wouldn't know that. I need to be told that they are a werewolf. The subtle hints aren't working over here.
Anyway, with regards to assessments - you're also a male, so more likely to be diagnosed than a female, which may have swung it. I used to ask for things written down, but that didn't always help either. Especially if it became unweildy and confusing.
This is why I find some of the aggressive posts about autism, essentially attacking neurotypicals quite off-putting, because some of us are a lot like you. And people can be arseholes whether they're autistic or not. It's kind of shit to lump us all in the same boat with derogatory labels. I wouldn't make any assumptions about 'all autistic people'. (I don't mean neurotypical is derogatory, but some of the accusations fired at us are)