Yes, but it's so frustrating that the completely random pieces are hand picked by humans, who are choosing to ignore my better pieces. They are mostly in boost publications and the nominators in those pubs haven't read them as far as I can tell (no claps or acknowledgement). Apparently you have to suck up to the nommers to get them to read your stories, which presumably means reading and throwing up compliments all over theirs. I like to support smaller writers. Sod that. I have applied to be a boost nommer now - it's the only way to reliably get decent work considered, apparently. But I'm on a long waiting list. And I didn't apply earlier because I had to open a publication to do it, and felt it hadn't gone well last time. Anyway, this one is for people's own pics, which takes the stress out of pictures licencing, and seems to be OK at the moment.
I am at a crossroads where I don't feel I should continue spending 5 hours a day (35 hours a week) on Medium for less than $100 a week most of the time. I mean that is a full time job for pittance and I'm still trying to do my magazine work around that, which means I'm doing 12 hour days. I take breaks, but still. I feel like an idiot, but I can't get enough magazine work and I like it here, so am completely conflicted.