We're about to put the rent up from 500 to 750 because the previous agents lied to us about the value and the tenants have trashed the place, which depending on your point of view, means it's not worth more than 500.
But it's not our fault they've not kept up with their obligations to keep it clean and in good decorative order.
It needs a new kitchen and bathroom - they had a new kitchen and bathroom but they destroyed them.
If they don't pay and move out, we'll be glad to get in, do it up and sell it.
The costs of putting it back to how it was will run into tens of thousands. All that, for a 500 rent, which was always under market rate anyway, and pissed me off from the start, but the agents kept telling us that rents weren't going up. It turns out they were and we were too trusting. Also, the new agent is valuing it at what it would be worth if we could get in and restore decorative order, even with the existing kitchen and bathroom.
The new bathroom went in in 2016, following a leak and some repairs.