This is interesting thank you. Good to get an inside perspective.
In terms of applying to be a nominator, I do so much reading, I see lots of great stories which I just don't think get the eyeballs. It's not about whether something was inferior and something else superior. It's that often stories just don't get seen, so they don't get considered.
I would like to swap places. So I am now making enquiries about joining a publication because I closed mine due to copyright worries on other people's imagery.
I am now reconsidering. :) So the insight is helpful. I may well struggle to find 20 stories a month worth nominating, so I can see that my reading time on the platform could increase, if I were accepted.
Out of curiosity, you said you earn $60 — is that per month or per article? I’m surprised a pro writer and editor doesn’t earn more than that in a month, unless your publishing frequency is very low.