Oh. That's interesting. Shame you haven't done well, despite delivering the local angle they keep asking for. I've given up for now. I've got a 2 cent credit in my account, and feel the last month I put the effort in, it wasn't worth the earnings. Maybe I'll have another go, but got some proper work on at the moment.
I keep thinking about your rejection from the boost program and I feel gutted for you. The whole thing makes me feel really frustrated because it's abundantly clear to me that certain people have favourites, while others won't look outside their pubs, even if you are on their radar. So if you published in the wrong place, it's tough shit. Even though you didn't know that was a thing - because the other one was a boost pub. Meanwhile, the editors who are supposed to be nominators from the pubs I sent things to haven't even looked at them.
So I created a pub of my own and applied and I'm waiting to hear, but I'm not hugely optimistic based on your experience, as I'm not overwhelmed by high quality submissions, which they'll want to boost. So I'd def need to look wider.
I just feel people should be able to nominate one of their own pieces once a month or something, because it excludes anyone who is not on the radar of a nommer, for whatever reason.
Maybe people who them submit utter shit could lose that privilege, but you know, it needs levelling up for everyone.