Oh, that's interesting! Thank you for providing more information on the Waffen SS. I did look up the uniform, and it sure looked like a Nazi uniform to me. As you say, to me, it's just like having both sides represented by any re-enactment event, whether it's the Saxons and the Normans, the Roundheads and the Cavaliers, or some other opposing forces. To have WWII without the Germans would seem incomplete. But I do understand that it's that much more recent, so people feel sensitive about it. At the same time, I've been to many such events, seen many in German uniforms, and never seen it as an issue. They even made a TV comedy taking the piss out of the Germans - Allo Allo - which was probably offensive to some people. It is interesting to hear that you'd find it offensive though.
My husband and I go to these events and just laugh when we come to the German camp - 'Oh, it's the Germans!' But obviously if it was real, we wouldn't be laughing.