Susie Kearley
1 min readSep 21, 2021


Oh no! So sorry to hear that. It was only the reference to a writers' haven, but actually, on reflection, I think it's correct.

I was reading it as one writer - their work, their haven. But actually, if you're referring to Medium as a whole, it's a haven for many writers. So the apostrophe is correct.

I'm sorry you've got flack! I felt bad seeing Maverick's piece, firstly because I felt it was perpetuating the myth that my work was full of errors (not true - I wouldn't dream of offering something so bad). It had been thoroughly proof read, first for the magazine, and then again for Medium! Secondly, he basically said I didn't try to discuss it with her, which is totally untrue.

I think we were all feeling raw. I just thought they either needed to review their editorial process, or their submission guidelines - because there was a massive mis-match, and that's not fair on contributors. I've kept my head down since. Didn't expect anyone to leave.



Susie Kearley

Freelance writer UK. Outrageous opinions. Occasionally offends by accident. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, copyright, environment.