Oh, I don't know. I realised I wasn't following and thought I should as it was such a good story. I have heard of Medium unfollowing people who regularly engage with each other, so it might have been that.
One of my favourite writers, Victoria, said she realised she wasn’t following me — and this was years after we’d connected. She put it down to a Medium glitch. I have to admit, I hadn’t noticed either!
I had a year or so when I was interacting with this photographer guy - then one day, he followed me. It was like you say - weird - I thought we'd been following each other all along!
Haha. Anyway. I am now. Sorry about that. I am also more tuned into your work than before too — it's very good!
I think people who find interesting people to interview don't always do so well on here, as the platform feels geared towards first person stories, but in reality, a lot of people don't have unlimited fascinating stories about themselves. By looking out to the world around us, we can all find more interesting case studies to report on. I like your reporting.