Oh. I did leave a note asking for it to be considered for boost. I said I was happy to wait until the start of July if that helped. But she said you'd consider everything published and I didn't need to ask. She then published. So I don't know whether she thought it was a contender, but holding back a draft for consideration didn't seem to be an option.
I don't mind waiting. I said that in the note, but I deleted the note when she replied telling me I didn't need to ask and you'd consider it anyway.
It's so hard to know what to do. I don't like being pushy, but I don't want to be overlooked either, especially if I think something has potential. I know you like to nominate drafts.
She also added an error that I fixed when I realised. That was a bit irritating. I preferred it when you edited things, TBH. Oh well. Thanks for reading. :)
I appreciate publications can be overwhelming. Mine has very few submissions, and I'm very glad about that! It's a lot of work when one gets busy, especially if you have to deal with photo rights and plagiarism checks.
BTW, I will always wait for your thoughts, James! Your editors are a little too keen to publish without due consideration for the boost, IMO.
But maybe my stuff just isn't quite right. I don't know. :)