Most of these are in boost publications and in the vast majority of cases, I don't believe the nominators have even looked at them. This is what is so frustrating. If a nominator had read it, I'd expect a clap at least. I therefore assume they've not been seen by the relevant person.
The exception is the menopause one, which I asked them to consider for boosting when I sent it in, and they said 'no' but they'd publish.
Dr MY from Illumination Curated once specifically asked me to write something for Illumination Curated about tax laws when I raised the issue about changes to UK laws for side hustles. He said he would nominate it if I expanded it, but I knew nothing about international tax laws, they are all different, and in the USA the money is deducted at source, so most people wouldn't be interested. I declined.
He encouraged me to submit, but hasn't read any of the others that would be boostable. I've given up.
BBB had plenty of opportunity, but Jason, the nommer, hasn't read any I submitted to the pub.
It's just hopeless. The ones that were boosted, I don't think they were in boost publications. They came completely out of the blue.
If you're the only publication owner that actually reads submissions, perhaps I should join your other publication too. I just don't write about business much.... ever. :)
How long did you have to wait for them to decide on your nommer application?