InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveLow-Cost Book Marketing for AuthorsIf you’re trying to sell books, read this!Sep 22, 20247Sep 22, 20247
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveSometimes The Badly Paid Option is The Better One!When editorial communications go awrySep 24, 20249Sep 24, 20249
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing for Specialist & Trade PublicationsA series on making money writingAug 27, 20247Aug 27, 20247
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMy Plan for Growing My Writing Next YearWhen everything calms down…Aug 26, 202418Aug 26, 202418
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing About Pets, Animals & WildlifeWith regular paying clientsAug 3, 202415Aug 3, 202415
InThe Pro FilesbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing for BusinessBecause it’s a lucrative way of freelancingAug 4, 20247Aug 4, 20247
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing History, Nostalgia & GenealogyThe markets for these stories are vastAug 8, 20247Aug 8, 20247
InOur Photo StoriesbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing Travel ArticlesOne of the best sectors of freelance writingAug 9, 20249Aug 9, 20249
InCareer PathsbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing for Religious PublicationsThey can be one of the easier sectors to break intoAug 11, 202413Aug 11, 202413
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing For Local & Regional PressWrite about what’s going on in your townAug 13, 20245Aug 13, 20245
InOur Photo StoriesbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Money Writing for ChildrenIt can be fun and enjoyableAug 14, 20249Aug 14, 20249
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveLearning Photography Could Help You Make Money WritingAnd be a source of great pleasure, too!Jun 29, 202418Jun 29, 202418
InCareer PathsbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveDifferent Ways to Make Money As A WriterBecause sometimes, it’s not just about having a love of the written wordJun 27, 202410Jun 27, 202410
InNew Writers WelcomebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveDo You Feel Undervalued or Ignored in Your Writing Group?How to overcome that feeling of not fitting in!Jun 8, 202412Jun 8, 202412
InGood Vibes ClubbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slave30 Years to Publication — A NovelWhen I started writing a book about a pandemic at the age of 16, I never imagined I’d live through one!Jun 3, 20248Jun 3, 20248
InNew Writers WelcomebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWritten A Book? How to Generate More Reviews!Useful tactics to get your book noticedFeb 16, 202417Feb 16, 202417
InGood Vibes ClubbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveThinking of Publishing a Book? There’s no Need to Spend a FortuneSelf-publishing is free and marketing can be done on a budgetMar 3, 202421Mar 3, 202421
InWriters’ BlokkebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveStart Writing Fiction: An Online Course ReviewedHow I got on…Feb 14, 202410Feb 14, 202410
InWriters’ BlokkebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWriters: Take Inspiration from Charles Dickens!Modern fiction based on classic talesDec 5, 202316Dec 5, 202316
InThe Pro FilesbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWords of Wisdom from the Author of War Horse, Michael MorpurgoWhat inspired the story behind the hit movieNov 17, 20237Nov 17, 20237