InThe PubbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveChatGPT Helped Me With Article Ideas For MagazinesThis could be a worthwhile relationshipNov 10, 202421Nov 10, 202421
InThe Writing CooperativebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWrite Spooky Stories All Year Round! And Get Paid For It!Writing for spiritual and paranormal magazinesOct 2, 202417Oct 2, 202417
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveA Magazine Published My Work, But Didn’t PayMy piece turned up on their websiteSep 20, 202415Sep 20, 202415
InNever Stop WritingbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWriting for Lifestyle MagazinesWith regular paying clientsJul 12, 20249Jul 12, 20249
InWriters’ BlokkebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveFreelance Writing In Niche Publications — One Way To SuccessWith regular paying clientsJul 11, 202413Jul 11, 202413
InNew Writers WelcomebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveComing Up With Story Ideas All Year RoundFinding inspiration when you’re stumped!Mar 25, 20248Mar 25, 20248
InCareer PathsbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWriting the Perfect Pitch for Magazines and NewspapersHow to approach editors of the traditional pressJan 23, 20248Jan 23, 20248
InGlobetrottersbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveHow I Became A Successful Travel WriterTips for aspiring travel writers, pros and cons, and how Covid-19 killed my client base!May 2, 202337May 2, 202337
InThe Writing CooperativebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveWanna Be a Full-Time Freelance Writer? Read This First…How I made the transition from employment to freelancingNov 5, 202220Nov 5, 202220
InWriters’ BlokkebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMake Good Money Writing for Magazines Around The WorldHow to identify foreign markets for your workJan 8, 20229Jan 8, 20229
InThe Writing CooperativebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveHow To Launch a Newspaper & Make Community Journalism PayA case study in building a business from scratchFeb 19, 20238Feb 19, 20238
InFreelancer’s HubbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveJournalists’ Pay & Why They’re Going FreelanceEven though freelancers are often paid less!May 12, 20238May 12, 20238
InAbout Me StoriesbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveHow I Turned Rejected Magazine Articles into Lucrative AcceptancesHow I made money from rejected articlesJun 19, 20237Jun 19, 20237
InModern WomenbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveSandra’s Journey into Freelance Writing Full-TimeShe shares her tipsMay 29, 20237May 29, 20237
InWriters’ BlokkebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveMy Weirdest Writing JobsWhat a jobbing writer does to earn a livingApr 26, 20238Apr 26, 20238
InSYNERGYbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveTaking the Leap into Professional Freelance WritingHow it went for me!Mar 20, 20239Mar 20, 20239
InNew Writers WelcomebySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveGet Freelance Writing Work that Pays WellWhen your Medium income is disappointing, consider other opportunitiesJun 18, 20227Jun 18, 20227
InSYNERGYbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveFancy Writing for An Anthology? Chicken Soup For The Soul Pays $200They’re always seeking submissionsMar 18, 202311Mar 18, 202311
InThe Pro FilesbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveThe Death of Journalism? Adaptability is Essential for Freelancers!Have you changed your approach?Feb 16, 20237Feb 16, 20237
InThe PubbySusie Kearley 🐹 Guinea pig slaveI Was Assigned to Write a Magazine Article & My Interviewee DiedNot during the interview, obviouslyJun 21, 202316Jun 21, 202316