John, I'm sorry it's not going as you'd hoped. It's tough. I would love to make more, but it's like there's a glass ceiling and it's hard to even reach that sometimes.
One thing I've noticed is that your titles are cryptic. I don't think this is serving you well. Write an article that is clearly about Medium, and if your title says it's clearly about Medium, the reads will more likely soar. Write an article about cogs and most people will skip it because who gives a toss about cogs.
I read one a few days ago about cogs. It was a complete revelation to me that it had anything to do with medium. Most people won't realise. I didn't click on it because I wanted to read about cogs. I clicked on it because I prefer your indepth stories to your daily roundups. I want to see what you're writing, not what you've been reading.
I think your titles are letting you down.
If this series - which I stupidly had forgotten was even a thing - was titled 'Writing on Medium Full Time: How It's Going (Part 15)', I predict you'd get a shed load more views and reads.
I would drop the cryptic titles and try to pick up something interesting or controversial about the content. OR if it's about Medium, for goodness sake say so in the title because Medium articles do the best!
I hope I'm not over-stepping in sharing my opinion. I'm trying to help.
Also, do you have any special subjects/knowledge? Because I might be able to recommend magazines with opportunities.
This one says Medium in the title so will probably do well. :)