It's costing us a lot of money to have it sitting there empty, so we want it to be used. Council tax will kick in shortly. Insurance is expensive. Council tax will double if it continues to be empty.
We may have to rent it out again. We spent four months improving it. There's no benefit in spending more time and money on improvements. None of the improvements are tax-deductable or will add value to the house.
From a seller's point of view with an empty house, there is no benefit in prolonging this. We don't need fresh ideas.
We need to get rid of this thing - it's been causing us stress for the past two years, since we realised what the tenants were doing to it.
But you're right about one thing. Time out of it would be good, and we need to relax and think about other stuff...
Now, those solar panels I delayed because of the house sale. We can book the installation. 🙂