Interesting Reuters report. It's certainly still very infectious among the vaccinated. I'm keeping well clear of other people for that reason.
My logic regards to infected vs deaths is this...
390 unvaccinated died compared to 697 who were vaccinated died.
Rounding off, about 10% of adults are unvaccinated, compared to 90% of adults who are vaccinated. So by this logic, if the vaccine didn't work, I'd expect 9 times as many vaccinated to be dead, compared to unvaccinated. This would give a death figure of about 3500.
BUT fewer vaccinated people got it - only around 40% of the number of unvaccinated who got it. So 40% of 3500 is 1400. Half that number *actually* died, so statistically, I'd still say the vaccine is helping - but maybe less than we thought.
This doesn't account for how many of the infected people are children - and that information might skew everything (because they're not included in the 90/10 vax/unvax).
It also doesn't take into account things like age, vulnerability, or whether they’re fully or partially vaccinated.
Without knowing how figures are swayed by such things, it's hard to draw any conclusions, but we obviously need to remain wary.
My methods may be flawed, but I hope you can see some logic in there somewhere!
Anyway, thanks for flagging the reuter report. That's interesting! I'll look out for more news on that. :-)