Interesting perspective. I haven't heard the latest move to eradicate capitalism. I watched an interview with her on the BBC a few days ago, where I was very disappointed to see her falling around in fits of laughter over... well, nothing. The interviewer literally said nothing funny and she make a remark about a private joke or something, which she declined to share, before continuing the interview in fits of laughter.
She also refused to discuss solutions, saying that was up to the politicians, and she was just a teenager. Ok, I don't entirely disagree with that, but she was totally against any focus on solutions, claiming she needed to focus on the problem, not the solutions. That's totally bonkers. She lost my respect in that interview.
We cannot solve this without focusing on the solutions. She was totally dismissive of even entering into a conversation about options or practicalities. And just wouldn't stop giggling and behaving like a silly 10 year old.
On the upside, she has a hell of a position of influence, and if she can use this for good, I would like her to continue to do so.