I'm sorry this has happened, but I think it's fair enough if there have been other complaints too. I did try to resolve this with a direct communication to Terry at the time.
I made some edits - as a compromise - and asked if it was acceptable. But rather than reply, she just rejected it. She wasn't open to discussion, because it wasn't 100% compliant with the software.
She was in no mood to hear my perspective. I tried to discuss it.
Yes, I do hold the rights to publish the story, and no, that's not against Medium's rules.
Having done so much work to get it there, I wanted the piece accepted, so I deleted more of the story and got it about 98% compliant. The 2% was people's names, which couldn't be changed.
I wrote to Dr M through Slack because I felt this was overzealous. My experience was not in line with submission guidelines. He didn't reply.
So after a month, I vented my frustrations in an article, but hesitated to publish it, until two months later, someone else expressed a similar dislike for similar software. That made me decide to publish. It wasn't some vendetta.
I'd tried to resolve it with the team at the time, and was ignored. I felt it was a valid opinion and a fair point. I just want the editors to use their brains, instead of software. That is all.