I'm glad life in Ireland is working out for you. I think we all have to watch how we word things sometimes, so things don't come out offensive. I try to be diplomatic but truthful. Sometimes we all fail on the diplomacy. Perhaps because of Asperger's that's harder for you. I know being blunt is one of those traits, and I've got it too.
Sorry you've had so much hassle in life. I remember going into a camera shop asking for a DSLR and the bloke trying to sell me a compact camera. I left the shop and bought the camera I wanted on Amazon instead. They'll try to sell you whatever they've got. It's their job. But he could have told me they have them online - which they do. I guess he didn't get commission if I bought it online.
Anyway, interesting perspective. I'm not convinced everyone in the world is awful, and I still give people the benefit of the doubt, which some say is naive. And some people don't deserve it. But it works for me.
I guess in terms of the question, 'Do I like something?' Well, if I don't, I just say it's not for me, but might work for someone who's into that kind of stuff. Which is true of almost everything.