I'll tell you a problem with your posts, which might help your read rate - some of your stories don't have titles. This means it's not possible to click through to the story from your profile. Because the way to read more is to click on the title (there is no 'read more' option). When there is no title, you can't. The only way to read it is to go to the publication where it's located, and click on it from within the publication.
So, for example, "One of my biggest pet peeves is being ignored" cannot be opened from your page. So I have to click into One4All, then scroll down to find it, and then I can click on the title, because the publication makes the first line the title. But that doesn't work when people go to your profile (not on a PC anyway - I don't know about phones).
Also, because your publication only shows two weeks worth of stories, you're making it harder for people to find your stories, and maybe a little less attractive for people to submit to your publication, because the stories disappear. Whereas a publication that has another couple of layers - easy to add - can have stories going back months on the home page.
These are all things you can do to make it easier for people to find your stories and read them.