Thanks for the warning. I still think I’d be better off if I was a nommer.
If people are mostly nominating from within their own publications, the time investment doesn’t seem to be huge. If you’re getting quality content, it's literally just flagging what you would see anyway, whether you were nomming it, or not.
If nominators were all scouring the whole of Medium looking for the best stories, that would be more of a time investment, but if they're looking primarily within their own pubs, it's a much smaller job than I originally thought.
Saying that, at the moment, I would need to scour Medium, because most of the stories in my publication are not particularly high quality. I may have emphasised short and snappy too much, before I realised I needed boost-worthy pieces within the publication. I’m not expecting a positive outcome to my application for that reason.
Jason's income has increased considerably since the boost started. Perhaps he's one of the most successful nommers. He writes long stories, so when they get boosted the earnings will be better than on shorter reads (like mine), and will quite likely earn well. He doesn't write anything much less than about 6 minutes, which I think is part of his success. Often people won't read my longer stories, so that doesn't work for me, but it seems to work for him.
I think there's a good reason why so many people are doing it and keep doing it. It's worthwhile.
Maybe my guesswork on the exact figures is over-stating his success, but we don't know that for sure.
It isn't a level playing field. And if I had those perks, I would undoubtedly be doing better.