I think you should leave it. She's entitled to her opinion. You're entitled to yours. I had someone drop into my comments like that soon after I started medium. I'd shared a story about how changing my focus helped me during the darkest time in my life.
I was told that story was offensive because it belittled the struggles of others who might not be able to change their focus easily. I'm telling you, times were dark, and it wasn't easy. And the story was about me - not making any assertions about anyone else's struggles.
But anyway, the point is, hers was one opinion. About a dozen people had clapped to show they liked my story. So she was one disapproving face amongst a group of people who approved.
It got to me. I felt bad. I deleted the part of the story about my darkest hour. I felt paranoid about it. But you know what? One disapproving voice should not make us feel so bad that we change or delete something that is essentially harmless and might actually be helpful - the purpose of my story was to help others, not offend them.
I think anyone who goes round being offended by a word like gypsy needs to get a thicker skin and learn to let people live and express themselves without judgement. Especially in the positive context you've put it in. If it was an insult, that would be a different matter but it isn't.