I think there's been a misunderstanding. I wasn't suspicious of anything. I unfollowed a number of publications, simply because I wanted to see individual writers on my following feed - and high-volume publications were saturating it to the exclusion of writers I like to read. The removal of the entity bar has made it more difficult to keep up with our favourite writers, so I've reviewed who I've followed, to steer my recommendations in a new direction. This means I see more from my favourite writers in my feed. That is all.
I only mentioned it, because I was complaining to Tony that I didn’t want to have to unfollow the publications — because I like them, but felt I had to choose between friends and publications. Not what I wanted to do at all - I'd rather have those avatars back.
I should add that I still write for Illumination, my best performing stories have been published there, and I'm a fan. I published with illumination just a few days ago.