I think everyone is over reacting. The key is not to behave like a bot. I've got a piece in my drafts about this, but something else is scheduled today.
Bette Ludwig summed it up well a few days ago. Some people's engagement was so systematic they literally looked like bots, which is why they got flagged.
I'd repeatedly told one member in past that they didn't have to read *everything*. I actually wanted them to stop because they were leaving generic comments that made me feel they were doing it out of duty, didn't enjoy it, and maybe hadn't even read it. Some of those generic comments felt inappropriate too.
Others I ignored, but they behaved like bots.
Leonard wasn't like that, but his level of engagement was up there with the big ones, hitting 100 every day. And maybe he had a system that triggered the detectors. I don't know.
But if you don't behave like a bot, you're probably fine. I posted about 90 comments yesterday. I have no system. They are all over the place to people I know and people I don't. Mixed up and random.
I think what you do is fine. You're not on the level of the people who got kicked out. Just enjoy it. You have no reason to worry.