I remain confused. There's a guy who says he and his network are all earning as usual, and none of them are even interested in the whole 'community' thing.
I sense he thinks it's reciprocal reading that is our downfall, because he remains unaffected. But you know what? He chatted with me a couple of days ago, and today, Medium recommended one of his articles to me.
It's now in my reading list, and this is why. Because they recommend stories from people I engage with, and sometimes, I think, 'oh that looks interesting,' so I save it for later, or read right away.
I read all sorts of things from people I don't know, too, so it's by no means limited to people who read mine.
It drives me mildly crazy wanting to justify this, because they recommend stuff and that is where most of my reading comes from.
I wonder if not engaging would fix the earnings problem, but I doubt it and it just seems horrible to ignore everyone that I've made connections with.