I live next door to a retirement community, so I can see why he's not a fan. There's one bloke who coughs and sneezes the whole time. In the summer he has his doors open so we get this persistent ACHOOOOO! etc when trying to relax in our garden. I cannot imagine how awful it would be to live in the adjacent flat! Hopefully his neighbours are deaf. There are other issues too. I actually find this guys response amusing, but perhaps that's because I can relate. I wouldn'ty be offended by it. But then I wouldn't choose to move into one of those places either. And I hope when I'm old, I'll be capable of managing my finances, because honestly, having seen people behave appallingly when given control of older people's finances, I wouldn't want to go there.
Also appreciate it's over 55 (not retirement) but his response still amuses me.