I know what you mean James. I enjoy seeing you here though. I check in on your stories and see that you don't write very many - that can't help with earnings. But I quite understand if you have better things to do with your time. You are sensible!
I do wonder how Medium's August changes will affect things. As you say, skimmers might end up leaving writers without an income. I hope my positive articles outweigh my complaining, but it is quite significant when I realise that 5 articles on Newsbreak bought in more than 30 articles on Medium this month!
That's quite sobering, considering all the time I spend here. But then again, I used to be addicted to Twitter and didn't get paid at all, so it's just feeding an addiction really. A pretty harmless one, which brings in a small revenue and I enjoy it.... so maybe focusing on the money is the wrong way to view it.