I have fallen foul of asking a piece to be considered for boost and had it automatically not considered as punishment for asking. I'm glad that James has made his position clear on this because at least now we know.
I've also had more favourable responses, but then been told to not ask again.
James also said that he won't consider anything that is already published, because he likes to nominate drafts. As most of the stuff in his publications is now published by his editors while he snoozes, it puts me off submitting, because I know it's a sure fire way to NOT be boosted. His editors publish without giving him a chance to consider it. And by the time he's awake, it's published already and off the table. Horrendous system, frankly.
I keep wondering whether I should just abandon my legal worries, open another publication and try again. But really, I should focus on the proper work. Medium sucks up too much time!