I did read your article. I left a positive comment, and it will show up as a read that day on your stats.
I maintain that eating greens and exercising will not make people fat. It will reduce body fat, while improving cardiovascular health, and building muscle, meeting the same end goals as you promote, I think.
I am totally opposed to counting calories and I did not suggest a calorie deficit, just a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps you're the one who didn't read beyond the headline.
I did not suggest anyone starve themselves (or restrict calories), as stated in your article. I suggested they eat more of the right things, so they shouldn’t be hungry. People know it’s fat they want to lose and that exercise helps.
I do understand that some people’s focus on weight can be problematic. This is why I would never suggest people focus on the scales. Instead, I suggest people focus on a sustainable healthy active *lifestyle* permanently. Not a short-term diet.
Bottom line is people often resolve to ‘lose weight’ in January, which is why I chose my title. You are free to choose a different title for yours. Indeed you have.
I have studied nutrition and I don’t believe the advice is bad. It was originally written for older ladies most of whom won’t do heavy workouts. It’s manageable for ordinary people.
Please focus on your own articles rather than criticising other people's. Thank you.