I believe your understanding of the situation is far superior to theirs, and if you're repeatedly accepting Jesus, that's your business, not theirs.
It's not that it doesn't work. It's that faith is hard! Some of us aren't naturally spiritual and we don't feel it. So maybe reaffirming faith is a way to make sure, not because it didn't work, but because we're human with all the doubts and failings of being human, lacking confidence, needing reassurance, etc. And that's OK.
I've never even heard of the sinner's prayer, so perhaps I'm doomed! 😆
This woman sounds really judgemental. Perhaps tell her to stop throwing proverbial stones, unless she's perfect - and then she's deluded because we all know that no one is perfect.
Tell her about the time Jesus told the pharasees to stop throwing stones: "let him who is without sin cast the first stone".
Tell her to look at getting the log out of her own eye, before judging other people.
I think you're a good person. You've done bad things, but you're a good person.