Hi Philip, I don't think you've quite understood me here. You're right, royalty free doesn't mean free. But Getty isn't picky about who they sell to (as far as I know) - you just have to buy a licence so you're using their images legally.
I don't have a legal team, and real publishers don't always have legal teams. The difference between me choosing to keep some articles back from Medium, so I can sell them to magazines, is because magazines pay well, and Medium doesn't. A piece may be less likely to be plagiarised from the magazine, but it may not.
It's a good idea to stop posting extracts from your book though, if plagiarism bothers you. I won't publish articles that I may be able to sell to a magazine, for this reason.
You might also find that the contract with your publisher forbids you from sharing chapters online too.
I spotted Kristina's work had been stolen and blocked the man who did it. :)