Hi Anthony, I'm completely with you on this. I find Medium addictive, frustrating, and all sorts of other things. But bottom line is the pay per piece is utterly shit, and because I'm a bit addicted, I've found myself writing on medium when I should be working. The result being, I'm spending less time pitching for the proper work, because I'm writing for a dollar. The instant wins of quick publication and swift feedback are great, and I appreciate it is a long game, but then I've seen others achieve a hell of a lot more than me over the 6 months I've been here. So, it's distracting from the proper job, causes me anxiety sometimes, and I'm addicted. These all seem like a good reason to quit. But I don't know... I've invested a lot of effort in just getting to where I am. I keep thinking, if I persevere, I'll start to earn more and in the long run, that'll be more rewarding than pitching to the void of magazine editors day after day. It's a dilemma. But I definitely need to spend less time here (esp when I'm supposed to be working!). And I must stop writing contentious articles, because I don't need the anxiety when the feedback rolls in.