He's had a bollocking by me moaning about it and expressing my frustration about how unnecessary and preventable it all is. Even the car accident 15 years ago may not have happened if he hadn't suddenly slammed on the breaks due to a change of mind rather than an actual danger.
I think at this stage in her life, it's probably better for me to stay back or not go there in the first place than to start buying very expensive cars to accommodate us both.
After the accident when he kept insisting his mum have the front seat, it was undoing all the good work by the osteopaths and physios and that wasn't cheap.
I eventually just stopped going to see her. I started again when for a while, when things were sufficiently good for me to be able to straddle the back, but it's still a risk. Then I argued for the front again, and won most of the time.
But I could just revert to not going. Or being the ogre.