And for everyone who's earning a HUGE salary, there are dozens on the minimum wage to average it out. I saw two stats recently. One said 70% of UK workforce earn less than £30k. The other said 80% earn between £20k and £30k. Can't get my head around whether those two are compatible, but either way, it gives the impression that anyone who thinks everyone here is earning a fortune isn't seeing the full picture.
My magazine commissions for this financial year total £7,096 - fortunately, the last three months often do quite well and I think it might be possible to double it. 😂 But we're not all earning a fortune.
You might think I should get a proper job, but honestly, I started doing this because I couldn't get decent pay anywhere else, and having failed in management, I thought if I'm going to have to take £20k again just to be employed, I'd rather take whatever I can get and be self employed. So I am.
Sounds like Romania is doing well! You'll have Brits moving there for a better life soon! 😉